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Net Promotor Score

Include a Net Promoter Score in your survey to find out the enthusiasm of your target audience

Updated over a week ago

The Net Promotor Score is an accessible index figure that helps you measure the enthusiasm of your visitors. The Net Promotor Score is measured by one fixed question:

“How likely is it that you recommend this event/speaker/product to others?”

“How likely is it that you recommend this event/speaker/product to others?”

The scale always ranges from 0 to 10: where 0 indicates ‘very unlikely’ and 10 is ‘very likely’.

  • Respondents scoring 9 and 10 are called ‘promoters’: they are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fuelling growth.

  • Respondents scoring 0 - 6 are called ‘passives’: they are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.

  • Respondents scoring 0 - 6 are called ‘detractors’: they are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

Momice will automatically generate your NPS score, when you include the NPS question in your survey: The % of detractors is deducted from the % of promoters. The outcome is your NPS score. Because the NPS score is an index figure, it can be positive (above 0) or negative (below zero).

An indication: KPN scores around 1, Apple’s average is 66 - and sometimes organisations have a negative score.

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