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Multilingual registration

Work with multilingual registration in Momice and switch languages easily.

Updated over a week ago

With Momice, you can set-up the registration and communication in two languages if you’re organising an event for multilingual target audiences. Momice offers standard website and mail texts in 7 languages to choose from. When you organise a mulitlingual event, you’ll have to prepare texts such as the mail, tickets and website texts in addition to these standard texts.

This is how the multilingual registration works for the invitee

As an organisor, you can format the event in a maximum of 2 languages. Do you choose English as the main language? Then the English receives an English invitation, confirmation and (if applicable) e-ticket, and will see an English event website. Do you choose Dutch as the secondary language? Then the Dutch invitee will receive a Dutch invition, confirmation, e-ticket and will see a Dutch website.

Someone without a personal invitation link, will register in the browser’s preferred language and will also receive the confirmation in that language. In case of an unknown language, the main language will be automatically selected.

This are the settings for multilangual registration

You can select a maximum of two languages when creating your event websites and mailings. Momice offers 7 languages to choose from: Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

Language selection

Under language, In Event details ‘Basic’, you select a main language and extra language. Per language, you determine the name of the event. The upper language is the main language. When you have added a language, scroll to the desired order.

Registration form

After selecting the languages (as mentioned above), the registration form can be set-up in 2 languages in the Website Module - Pages. Switch languages when you’re done with the first one.

Registration questions

In a multilingual event, the answers are linked in both languages. The order of the answers must therefore always be exactly the same in both languages.

Please note: The standard closed question cannot be displayed in 2 languages.

Always use the workshop question for a closed question. The workshop question can be set-up in two languages.

Event website

You decide which pages you activate and what information you put on them per language.

Importing lists with a preferred language

If you’re going to import a list, we recommend using the example Excel template. This is ready at the first screen for import. In the Excel template, you will find an extra column ‘language’. Here you enter the two-letter language code per contact.

The language codes are: nl - en - de - fr - es - it - pt. When you are selecting invitees for your mail, you can choose from these language options.

Registration confirmation

With the multilingual registration, two registration confirmations will be set-up. You can recognise them by the language code. Determine per language what you want to put in the registration confirmation.

Guest, waiting list and postponed payment confirmation

If you’re using advanced registration settings, such as the guest module, waiting list or postponed payment, there will be a version ready for you per language. Determine per language what you want to put in the confirmation.

Registration overview

After importing two languages, you can filter by language in the registration overview.

Entry tickets and e-tickets

In the entry tickets, you can set the title and description per language. Do you have two or three tickets? Then you can set the language per ticket. At the settings of the e-ticket, you only can insert various translations in the ‘custom fields’. The name of the ticket and description will automatically be on the e-ticket. The other fields on the e-ticket: ‘Starting time’ and ‘Event name and organisation’ cannot be set per language.

Invitations and other mails

On the screen where you select the invites for your mail, you will now see an extra filter with the language selection you have imported.


  • The survey can be created in one language only.

  • The preferred language of an invitee will not change when he or she changes the preferred language on the website. So, the invitees cannot change the preferred language themselves. The organizer can change the preferred language from the registration overview and then send the confirmation email in the correct language.

  • When the invitee switched languages on the website, that setting will be saved in the browser for a subsequent visit with the same browser/device. This will remain the same when that person clicks on the website link from the confirmation email in the other language.

  • Always set a language for the contacts you import. If no language is selected for an invitee, this invitee will not be selected when filtering by language in the Mail Module, which results in the invitee not receiving email.

  • If an invitee has a different preferred language in the browser than the two set languages, the first (main) language will be used. Therefore, always set English as the main language for international events.

Do you organize multilingual events more often? The Momice team can set standard mail templates per language on your account. Please contact us for more information: [email protected]

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