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Everything about audience questions

How to use viewer questions in the interaction module

Updated over a year ago

Chat, polls, audience questions and session feedback is a paid feature, only available if you have an event upgrade or account add-on 'interaction'. Contact us for more information.

'Audience questions' allows your attendees to submit questions to the organisation, during the live stream.

The questions are not visible to the rest of the audience. As an organiser, you decide which incoming questions you want to answer, or pass on to the presenter. 'audience questions' works as follows in Momice:

  • You can activate the feature 'audience questions' in the program item.

  • Attendees can ask questions via desktop. Under the tab 'audience questions' attendees can submit their questions.

  • The questions are sent to the Interaction Module during the event. Incoming questions appear under ‘Pending’. There are 2 other categories: ‘Selection’ and ‘Archive’.

  • The moderator can decide how each question is handled. Click on the star to address the question during the live stream, or click on the archive map to archive the question.

  • Copy-paste the question from the Interaction Module and send it to the host or presenter of the live stream. They can now address this question.

Activate audience questions

On the program page you can activate the audience questions per program item. Activating goes as follows:

  1. Make a new program item on the program page in the Website Module. Indicate that this item takes place online.

  2. Insert the live stream link from your video streaming platform. Please note: the feature ‘audience questions’ only work if the live stream is embedded in the live stream page. It does not work on external applications like MS Teams or Zoom, unless embedded. Details on setting up the live stream page can be found here.

  3. Go to the third tab 'Interaction' and activate audience questions.

  4. Adjust the accessibility. If anyone can submit a question, choose 'public'. In case this option is only available to those who have registered, choose 'private'.

  5. If private, select whether you want to give access only to all invitees or to those who actually registered.

How to use the audience questions in the interaction module

Audience questions are managed from the Interaction Module. Access this module from your Dashboard, from the program detail page in the Website Module or from the 'Interaction' in the left navigation bar.

In the Interaction Module use the drop-down button to select the program item for which you want to activate the audience questions. Then select the item 'audience questions'.

In the Interaction Module, you can see the questions asked by the audience. The questions come in under 'pending'. To keep track of the questions, a moderator can archive or select (star) each question during the event.

Selecting and archiving audience questions

To keep the overview in, the pending questions can be archived or selected. This way, you can focus on the questions you selected (starred), and pass them on to the presenter or moderator of your online event.

A quick how-to on archiving and selecting questions:

  1. audience questions from the audience come in under 'pending’.

  2. This is where questions can be organized. Click on the star next to the question to place the question in your selection, and address it later. Place the audience question in the archive by clicking on the archive icon next to the question.

Submitting a question for attendees

Your attendees can submit questions via desktop.

The text shown is as follows, in different languages:

  • NL: Stel een vraag aan de organisatie of spreker.

  • ENG: Ask the organisation or speaker a question.

  • DE: Stellen Sie eine Frage an die Organisation oder den Sprecher.

  • FR: Posez une question à l'organisation ou à l'orateur.

  • IT: Fai una domanda all'organizzazione o all'oratore.

  • ES: Hacer una pregunta a la organización o al orador.

  • PT: Fazer uma pergunta à organização ou ao orador.

*Public interaction is only possible if the Interaction Module is activated. This is a paid module that can be purchased for € 350,- per event or as an add-on for € 1250,- for all your events. The Interaction Module contains a live chat, polls and audience questions.

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