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Refund for purchased tickets

Read how to return your invitee's ticket amount in this article

Updated over a year ago

It is not possible to give refunds from the Momice software. If a contact has purchased a ticket and then cancels, you as an organiser can determine whether you want to refund the money. The money has to be transferred to the guest manually.

We cannot share files with all bank account numbers because this is sensitive information. In the Registration Module you can print an export, where you can see what amounts have been paid by the participants.

We recommend to send an e-mail in case of large-scale refunded actions with the message:

You will be refunded your money for Event X. Would you please let us know to which bank account number and name? Then we will ensure that the money is in your bank account within X days.

You can reply to this email with the details.

Please note: Please set the reply-to address properly so that you receive these emails.

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