Automatically list open registrations.

Read how to put open registrations into lists in this article to make it easier to filter for specific audiences

Updated over a week ago

Open registrations are automatically placed in the 'Open registrations' list. In this way you can filter specific target groups when sending an update mail and you have a nice overview in the Registration Module.

Do you want to put open registrations in a different list? This is possible in two ways.


In the Registration Module you will find a 'lists' button. Here you can create, delete and adjust lists. When creating or changing a list you get the option to select this list for the open registrations.

Ticket Module

Open registrations that have opted for an entryticket can also be placed in a separate list. Create one or more lists in the Registration Module. In the Ticket Module with admission tickets you will find the option to select a list when changing. Link the correct list(s) to the entrance tickets here.

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