Moving the event date
Go to Event details - Basic. Adjust the start and end date of your event here.
The offline date, or archive date, of your event will not change automatically. Momice must change it for you. Please mail the following agreement sentence to [email protected].
Hereby, (signatory of organization) of (organization) gives permission to keep (event+event-id) live until (date) for (reason)
Please note: that the archive date can only be moved if the event is moved due to special circumstances, for example, or if the marketing after the event continues longer.
When the Momice team has changed the archive date, you will not automatically receive a reminder email that your event is being archived. We therefore recommend that you place a notification in your calendar so that you export all dates within 30 days of the new event date.
Update the date in all your event communications. Think about the countdown clock, texts on the website and any emails you sent. Let your attendees know that the event will take place on a different date. Review the checklist below to not overlook anything.
Additional checklist
Please note: In addition to changing the event date in step 1, in the program sections and moving the archive date, you will probably also need to change the date in your communications. Consider:
The website footer (Website Module -> Design -> Footer)
The date and times in the program items
The countdown timer widget on the homepage
The date in the mailing texts
The date in registration confirmation text and subject line
The date in headers of mailings
The date in tickets and e-tickets
The date on the homepage and other website pages