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Updated over 6 months ago

Registratie Module

My registration is closed. How can I open the registration again?

​Something is not set up properly in your event so that the notification 'registration is closed' appears. Check these 7 common causes:

Registration settings

• The registration is closed on a date in the past in Event details ‘Basic’.

• The registration is closed on a maximum in Event details ‘Basic’.

• The registration page is not active in the Website Module ‘Pages’.

Ticket settings

• There is no entry ticket available in the Ticket Module.

• The setting 'start and end date ticket availability' of a entry ticket in the Ticket Module is on a wrong date.

Are there lists linked to entry tickets?

• The invitee who sees this notification is not been added to a list.

• The invitee who sees this notification is added to a list. But the list is not added to an entry ticket.

I cannot import my Excel document with invitees. How is this possible?

Check the following three settings that Momice cannot process:

• Are there multiple sheets in your Excel? Only one sheet can be processed.

• Is there a password on the document? Delete it.

• Are there images in your Excel? Momice cannot import images with the Registration Module.

Excel documents can sometimes not be imported due to hidden formatting or other data hidden in your document. To make sure that only the correct data is imported, you can create a new Excel document with only the data you need:

• Manually select the data in the document. (Select row 1, column A, then hold down [shift] and select the last cell with data).

• Copy the selected data and paste it into a new document.

Please note: if you make a change, always save the Excel document under a new name.

How can I create a hyperlink?

A hyperlink is a text (sentence or word) on a website or in an email, that refers to another website. Hyperlinks are an easy way to switch between different pages - or send your visitor directly to the right page from an email.Here's how you do it.

How do I compose the salutation?

You can personalise each email to your invitees with a salutation. Momice uses the contact details you imported. You can choose a formal or informal salutation.Read more.

Why can't I upload my image?

Make sure your image has the right size and the right file format (JPEG, JPG or PNG). Also check the name of the file. If it includes unusual characters like '!@*#éüî', it's best to remove them from the file name. In case you uploaded a file before, always save the new file under a new name, as your browser saves the name of the previous file.Read more.

How does the homepage work?

On the homepage, your visitors can find the most important event information. You can compose the homepage by using handy widgets. These widgets are based on the content of the detail pages: you first create the detail pages and then compose the homepage.

Why is the wrong date displayed on the program page?

The event date you enter in Event details ‘Basic’ is displayed on the event website. When adding new elements to the program page, you choose a date and time. Make sure the timings correspond to the event date.Read more.

My browser/tab displays a different event title, how is that possible?

You can change the name of the event (title) in two places: under Event details (Basic) in 'Date & Time' and 'Language'. The name you enter in 'Event information' is used in your Dashboard. The name you entered in 'Language’ is the title your visitors will see. If you built your event website in two languages, make sure you change both titles.Read more.

I cannot send emails because the event is not published yet.

This is a security measure in Momice. This measure makes sure you can only send emails after buying a licence and publishing your event. After the event is published, the pop-up will also disappear automatically.Read more.

Why is the information is displayed in the column 'Surname' incorrect?

If you change certain standard registration questions, the information is sent to the wrong location, because it is linked to specific other sections in the tool - eg. the V-Card or export files. Therefore, it is advised not to change standard fields like (Sur)Name, Company, Email address and Phone number.Read more.

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